On July 6th an intrepid group of cyclists will set off from Northampton with the aim of cycling to Ypres in Belgium. They will be raising funds for Northampton’s Hope Centre which provides support for homeless and disadvantaged people.
This has become an annual event and last year raised £25,000 . This year Easirider will be providing a support vehicle driven by myself for the three day trip.
The ride culminates at the Menin Gate where at 8pm every day a bugler sounds the last post to commemorate the fallen from the Great War. The ceremony will be particularly poignant for me as this July marks the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Passchendale where my grandfather Joseph Afford was awarded the Military Cross for his part in the conflict.
Anyone interested in supporting the work of the Hope Centre can do so via their Just Giving Page
and to kick things off Easirider will make a donation of £100 in memory of Major Joseph Afford MC DCM